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5 Health Benefits Of A Morning Walk

7 min read
Last Updated on 18 July, 2022

A morning walk can do a lot of wonders for your overall health. And To step into a healthy lifestyle, you need to step outside on your foot. A sedentary lifestyle has many negative effects on your health, both mentally and physically. It only needs an ounce of motivation and an early morning alarm to inculcate this healthy habit in our lifestyle.

The benefits of walking are innumerable when it comes to health, both physical and mental. But many people lack the motivation to exercise, run or jog. But little do they know that taking a 20-minute brisk walk in the morning can help alleviate many health issues.

Also, being active outdoors helps you switch off from everyday pressures, clear your head, and relieve stress by reducing levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

This article discusses how physical and mental health are linked and how walking can benefit both.

Why Is It Good To Walk In The Morning?


"Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."

Almost everyone has heard this classical saying, but have you ever wondered why it is true? When it comes to health, why should one wake up early and engage in physical activity first thing in the morning?

Firstly, your body's energy levels are high and fresh in the morning. And secondly, the morning hours are the least polluted and have the highest oxygen levels. It is also rich in negative ions, which help you breathe more oxygen. When you inhale more oxygen, your body cells are better able to perform their functions. As a result you are less likely to become ill or catch diseases.

Morning is a great time to walk since the air is calmer and cooler. Therefore, it is beneficial for you to take regular morning walks to ensure healthy physical and mental health.

Walking is good for your heart and taking a 20-30 minute walk can help elevate your heart rate and burn calories.

Six Morning Walk Tips


Physical activity is an important part of your daily routine, and walking plays an effective role in that. An intensive workout may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you wake up, but taking a walk can be a healthier way to get a fresh perspective for the day.

If you plan to take a morning walk, there are a few tips you should consider before you begin.

  • Try to keep your posture straight while walking.

  • Try to avoid going for a walk after a meal, as exercising affects the flow of digestive juices, which further prevents the proper breaking down of food.

  • Avoid drinking excess water while walking, as it might harm your respiratory system.

  • Try to keep yourself hydrated if you're going for a long walk or drink water before the walk.

  • If you're a beginner, try to start your walk routine at a pace you're comfortable with, and slowly try to build it up as the days go.

  • If you want to burn fat or lose weight, go for brisk morning walks. Walking briskly helps to burn down calories faster.

Before starting your day with a walk, incorporate stretching into your routine. Before undertaking a new exercise, listening to your own body is important.

5 Health Benefits Of A Morning Walk


The health benefits of morning walks are immense. A regular walking schedule can help you with more than just losing weight. Going on a morning walk and building a routine can help you with both physical and mental health benefits.

Here are a few of the many health benefits of taking a morning walk-

Physical Benefits

1. Strengthen Your Muscles

Hitting the gym or doing an intense workout might not be possible for you with hectic work life and other chores. But that shouldn't mess up your fitness motivation. Walking, especially in the morning, can help you strengthen your abdominal muscles and tone your legs.

It is a great form of exercise, as stronger muscles give a wider range of motion and improve your health and strength.

20 minutes of walking releases endorphins that make you feel happier.

2. Lowers The Risk Of Diabetes

A brisk morning walk can help you burn almost 300 calories, which will help you lose the fat in your body. According to a recent study, it also helps in cutting down your sugar cravings and lowering your blood sugar levels.

A morning walk is beneficial to health since it regulates insulin and glucagon functions. As a result of these hormones, glucose is absorbed into the blood vessels. Regular walking reduces the risk of diabetes and insulin resistance too.

3. Helps Prevent Arthritis And Osteoporosis

A sedentary life has a lot of negative effects on your health, and one of them is inactiveness. Being inactive affects the body negatively, resulting in stiff joints. This further leads to developing arthritis symptoms.

Recent studies suggest that moderate, vigorous physical activity, such as walking to the office or before work five days a week, can help relieve arthritis pain and stiffness and give you more energy.

4. Improves Cardiovascular Health

Running might not be a good idea if you have heart problems. However, you can walk! As the American Heart Association points out, brisk walking may help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Making a simple 30-minute walk every morning as a part of your daily routine can help you maintain blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart stroke. It improves blood circulation and improved blood circulation reduces the strain on your heart by lowering triglyceride levels.

Suggested Read : Heart Rate Monitor: Positives, Mechanism, Healthy Exercises

Cognitive Benefits

1. Helps To Cope With Depression And Anxiety


WHO estimates that almost 264 million people suffer from depression globally. Inadequate levels of endorphins, stress-relieving hormones, or natural painkillers can lead to depression. The first step toward overcoming depression is to step outside and walk. Walking is a great way to combat depression and mood disorders. You can help your body release endorphins by taking a 45-minute walk every morning.

It will help ease and the symptoms of depression by making you more positive, energetic, and joyful.You will also feel less anxious and nervous, allowing you to remain more proactive. A depressed mind will not easily let you get out of the house for a walk. Thus,overcoming depression begins with convincing yourself to walk every day.

Walking helps reduce cortisol, which in turn lowers your stress levels.

2. Boosts Brain Function

The benefits of walking are innumerable when it comes to health. Going on morning walks regularly can improve your blood circulation and oxygen flow in the body. As a result, it enhances your brain volume and improves your brain function.

In a recent study, walking has been shown to alleviate mental health issues like memory loss, dementia, and Alzheimer. Furthermore, it increases your concentration power and gives you a fresh outlook on life.

Walking fires up your problem-solving capabilities. It also helps boost your creativity.

3. Improves Your Sleep Cycle


If you're struggling with sleep deprivation, then taking a walk might come to your aid. Heavy exercise will only make you more aware, but adding a brief 20 minutes of a morning walk to your daily routine might help you get some sleep.

Longer walks can help you sleep better as you’re more tired at night

It can help you regulate your sleep as it calms down your mind and utilizes the stored energy in your body, and helps your body stay active throughout the day. As a result, you will also have a sound sleep at night.

Suggested Read : Try the Sleep Challenge and Feel More Productive at Work

4. Can Help Reduce Brain Fog


Walking has been proven to help reduce brain fog, which impairs your ability to concentrate or make informed decisions. It can also happen due to sleep deprivation becuase of work, stress, or nutritional deficiency. Thus walking or incorporating a brief walk in your morning schedule can improve your cognitive abilities.

Exercising or walking increases your brain's volume, which controls thinking and memory. Thus, walking improves your overall brain function and prevents you from getting brain fog.

Walking at a moderate pace for one hour, twice a week, is enough to reduce brain fog.

Summing It Up

Thus, it is established that taking a morning walk is immensely beneficial for your health. So walk your way to good health by developing a habit of regular morning walks. Try to stay consistent with your schedule and skip as rarely as possible. Morning walks are a fantastic beginning to your day. So slip into your best pair of walking shoes, keep a small water bottle handy, and 'healthify' yourself.

This article is written by Neha Yasmin who is a content marketer at Vantage Circle. A selenophile with a penchant for discovering great meals and drinks. Is a self-proclaimed binge racer with a knack for cooking in her spare time. For queries, reach out to

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